Robotic Maneuvering System for the BPPV patients

What is BPPV: BPPV is an ailment that affects the balance organ of the body. Patients get the sensation of heads spinning and the world turning around them. Approximately 8% of the population suffers from BPPV. Every year 1.6% of the whole population suffers from BPPV attacks and mostly visits ER when it happens.

5.6 million people visit the hospital in the United States with the complaint of dizziness every year with an annual cost of 4.4 B$. (Gulen et al. 2020)

On average, the BPPV patient visits the hospital 7 times before getting cured, and it may take up to 70 months to get the cure. (Wang et al, 2014)

What is the cure?: The only known cure is to perform maneuvers on the patient’s head in a 3D environment. If done correctly, the success rate is close to 100%.

What is the problem: Diagnosis is done by observing nystagmus in the eyes. Identifying patterns in the eye is difficult. The misdiagnosis rate in the emergency room is as high as 74-81%. In addition to diagnosis problems, having patients perform these curing maneuvers is difficult if they are old or have joint problems.

The solution: An AI-supported Decision Support System help diagnosis. A robotic chair makes the necessary maneuvers while the patient is strapped into the chair. The patient is totally passive during the process. This way patient goes through the process without straining the joints. The AI system and Robotic Manueverign System can be separated and used separately for regulatory reasons.

Seeking: Partners to help distribute the product to the global market + investors

The patient with nystagmus goggles seated in the chair


The new system has a very important feature called AI-Based Decision Support. This is an AI-based system that evaluates the nystagmus of the patient and helps medical professionals to diagnose the condition of the patient. Without doing this step, it is very difficult to treat the patient. Our patent-pending innovation utilizes Fuzzy logic and Neural Networks to help diagnose the patient.

Additionally, the algorithm can even handle BPPV patients with “no nystagmus”. The AI support is designed to reduce the misdiagnosis rate of BPPV and the suffering of BPPV patients as quickly as possible. If you need more information about AI- based Decision Support Systems, please visit this page.


The patient is strapped into the chair using a 5-point specially designed seat belt. The goggle and the chair communicate to simplify the diagnosis procedure. Once the diagnosis is done, the treatment maneuvers are done by the chair with robotic accuracy with recommended wait period in between. Treatment maneuvers are not simple. They are a sequence of 4 to5 maneuvers that require precision angle, orientation, and speed. Any mistake in any one of the steps renders the whole treatment maneuver unsuccessful. This may be the reason behind having misdiagnosis cases of up to 81%.

A robotic Maneuvering System (RMS) performs all this at the touch of a button with robotic precision. No guesswork about angles or the sequence of maneuvers.

Please visit this page if you would like to see how a difficult multi-channel BBPV patient is diagnosed and treated.

Diagnostic Maneuvers

BPPV diagnosis requires different maneuvers to identify the type of the ailment. RMS can perform 5 different diagnostic maneuvers to diagnose the semicircular canal causing the problem. This is absolutely necessary to diagnose the culprit causing the BPPV. On the side, you can see the diagnostic maneuvers RMS can execute. To see the videos of the maneuvers please visit this page.

  1. Dix Hallpike Right
  2. Dix Hallpike Left
  3. Roll Right
  4. Roll Left
  5. Deep Head Hanging R/L

Treatment Maneuvers

Once the canal causing the problem is identified through Diagnostic maneuvers, the treatment has to be done by executing a different maneuver. RMS can execute 11 different treatment maneuvers at the touch of a button. On the side, you can see the different treatment maneuvers RMS can execute.

To see the videos of the maneuvers please visit this page.

  1. Epley Right
  2. Epley Left
  3. Semont Right
  4. Semont Left
  5. BBQ Right
  6. BBQ Left
  7. Gufoni Right Canalithiasis
  8. Gufoni Left Canalithiasis
  9. Gufoni Right Cupulolithiasis
  10. Gufoni Left Cupulolithiasis
  11. Yacovino (R + L)


Doctorclub Award

This is an award where the winner is selected by the votes of 75,000 medical professionals. Only medical professionals are allowed to vote on this platform. In this stringent competition, RMS Robotic Maneuvering System is awarded 1st place in the most innovative medical product category.

1st place award for the most innovative medical product of the year


RMS Chair is a highly innovative product with 5 national and international (PCT) patent applications. The patents have received awards for their quality and innovative features. The award has been given by the Turkish Patent Institute.

The RMS project has a total of 5 patents filed for multiple innovative aspects. The RMS team has received the award from the Director of the Turkish Patent Office.


The TET project award has been received in the “Smart Medical Device” category.

Designers of the RMS project have received the award in a ceremony from the Deputy Minister of Trade.


For us, the most significant award comes from real patients that have been suffering from BPPV. The joy and happiness of a recovered patient who has been suffering from the ailment for years is the real reward for us.

BPPV is diagnosed by executing specific maneuvers to put the patient into orientation to trigger the BPPV attack. The clinician diagnoses the troublesome canal by observing the eye movements. The maneuver shown in the video is called the “Dix-Hallpike Left” maneuver. For more such videos please visit this page.


The RMS project has received thumbs-up from the leading authorities of otolaryngology in Europe and Turkey. It has been showcased in national and international medical congresses and has completed its first clinical trial successfully.

The RMS project has been showcased at the 9th National Otology and Neurotology Congress held in Antalya on 10-12 March 2022. Photo shows Head of International Vertigo Society and prominent figures of Vertigo Society handing certificate to RMS project.
The RMS project has been showcased at the 11th International Winter Meeting on Otology. Prof. Dr. Haluk Ozkul has presented the AI Decision Support approach utilized in the project to a distinguished audience.
Prof. Dr. Derya Unutmaz, a prominent researcher from The Jackson Laboratory has visited the RMS project in the location where the clinical is conducted to learn more about the project.